KUCHING INTERNATIONAL 10KM (08.03.20) After 2 days of track and field events, Superwoman Julia is back on the road again. Although late start and mid way interruption, she can still finish top 10. Well done & congrations!
BORNEO DRAGON BACK ULTRA- 16.02.3020 A happy and delighted Cikgu Julia when she didn't expect herself to complete the tough and torturous race but yet took 2nd place.. Congratulations to you!
HERO RUN 16.02.2020 Congratulations to ex national runner, Encik Nordin. What a Great comeback to the road race competition as he took the Men Veteran champion.
The idea to form Brooks Running Club came from our President, Alvine Nathan who was our former national marathon runner. The main objective of the Club is the Brooks brand which is already in every runner's mind. Why? Because it is not just the name Brooks Running Club but there is a project called Nathan Project which was started by the President. He has been a coach for many years, training a group of runners wearing only Brooks shoes and without getting serious injuries. The President has been running marathons for more than 23 years and is still among top 10 in the country. This Nathan Project has proved that Brooks shoes helped them to continue running and running. We have now more than two hundred (200) active members in the club and the wonderful thing is that all the members wear 100% Brooks shoes. No other clubs in Malaysia have done this. There will be a few more projects on the way for the club, so watch out! What is the next project in the President's mind? The Brooks Nathan Project is one of the great successes of the Club and the Brooks company as well.